Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

It is now 10.10pm, 31st of Dec 2010. In less than 2 hours, we will usher in 2011 - the start of a new decade.

It is now almost a year, when I started to (seriously) write in here - though most of the times I struggled - what with work, family and what not. 

Anyway, the first thing that pops into everyone's mind every New Year is resolution. I'm not a fan. In fact I have never officially list down what I intend to achieve in a particular year. I strive to do the best that I can - professionally and in personal life. I don't see a point of putting resolution such as losing 5kg, only to be depressed because by the end of the year, you actually gain 2 kg!

Other than resolution for the New Year, another favorite topic is reflections. Yup, reflections on the things that the last year bestowed upon you. It's good if it actually triggers  you to do even better....but to cry over spilled milk? What a waste!

Year 2010 was a good year for me...there was ups and there was also downs. I was admitted a few times, but the good news was, I recovered! I finally gained weight - and for the first time my weight exceeded the 45 - 47kg which normally where it hovered. The bad news is that since now I am now of normal weight (instead of underweight) - I can no longer fit in some of my tight skinny jeans. Which includes the limited edition pencil fit brown Levis I adored. On the other hand, it now gives me a reason to shop for new wardrobe.

Yeah - always take positive things in life.....that's a motto that I find benefits us the best.

Anyway, Happy New Year.....Let's hope that whatever we d, Allah's blessing is always with us.....Aminnnn.....

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