Thursday, February 18, 2010

Are You Kidding Me ???

Sighhhh....a couple of days ago - smack in the front page - a senior minister saying that he is surprised at the sheer number of foreigners in Malaysia. Guess it was after he saw the pictures of those foreigners taking over KL the day before.

It's common knowledge to you and me, but not him! Probably because they are always whisked in their limos to 6-stars hotel - with traffic police - that their feet is not on the ground anymore. Their life is always shielded from reality, from those who wants to make sure their bosses only hear sweet-things whispered into their ears. They sure don't exactly know what it is to be the man in the street, struggling to make a living...

And today, a similar story - a senior officer surprised at the acts of Malaysian drivers. Overtaking on double lines, cutting queues, overtaking in emergency lanes and riding on road shoulders. Haven't we seen them all - a long long time ago ? You have definitely seen them - especially if you have driven in KL or Penang or JB. But no....not the senior officer - the one that matters - the one that is supposed to set the rules. He has not seen them before!

Is it too much to ask? For them to go down to earth, once in a while ???

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