Friday, April 16, 2010

Read, Read, Read!

I read with interest recently - on the appointment of our very own astronaut (?), as the reading ambassador. Somehow with having a celebrity as its ambassador, the government is hoping that Malaysian will go to the library or nearest bookshop in droves. 

                                               Who can resist this face ?

What is this fascination of Malaysians (or is it those in the corridors of power) on celebrity ? Do they really believe that things will change ? And then Datuk Michelle Yeoh was also appointed as the ambassador. Wait...wait...we have 2 datuks - dare I hope for another one - to represent each of the different races in Malaysia ???

I love reading - it is my favorite pastime - since like forever! I remembered being introduced to M&B - which kept my love for reading. Even when I was studying for final exams - I will reward myself with an hour of Agatha Christie - if I can finish a chapter of that Organic Chemistry or Introduction to Marketing. 

I love Dame Agatha - and has bought almost all of her writings. And let me tell you, it does not come cheap!

Could that be one of the real reasons why Malaysians are shying away  from books? Because it is considered as a luxury. Just pick up any paper back fiction - and it will set you back around RM35. A hard cover will easily cost RM80. Not every Malaysian can afford this - especially when we do NOT even have a minimum wage of RM900! 

Don't start on academics - for most students (yours truly included) - it will mean a trip to the nearest photocopy shop. Unless you are born with a silver spoon on yer mouth, you definitely can't afford that RM200+ textbook on Spectroscopy!

And the state of our libraries leave much to be desired. Complaints includes outdated book (circa 1970s) and unavailability of titles. 

Hmmm.....I am no lover of library. I prefer to be doing my reading in the comfort of my home...but still, let us join hands and pray that those in the corridors of power will finally come into their senses and do the right thing!

In the mean time, relax, get your cuppa and grab that book!

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